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Classroom Visits and Presentations
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Bring Jennifer to your classroom, library, or meeting.
Because she spent years as a classroom teacher, Jennifer Bohnhoff is comfortable speaking in front of groups. Her presentations include lots of pictures and maps to enliven and clarify.
Ms. Bohnhoff is available to speak to classes online and in person.
She is willing to present at libraries, museums, teacher's conferences and for adult organizations.
She can develop a presentation specifically for your group. Just ask!
Because she spent years as a classroom teacher, Jennifer Bohnhoff is comfortable speaking in front of groups. Her presentations include lots of pictures and maps to enliven and clarify.
Ms. Bohnhoff is available to speak to classes online and in person.
She is willing to present at libraries, museums, teacher's conferences and for adult organizations.
She can develop a presentation specifically for your group. Just ask!
Presentations for Upper Elementary and Middle Grade Readers and Writers

Until about a hundred years ago, scientists believed that humans entered the Americas only 4,000 years ago. Then, two amateur archaeologists discovered proof that people had been here much, much longer! Both of these discoveries occurred in New Mexico, and the stories of who found them, and how, make for an astounding story.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with In The Shadow of Sunrise, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with In The Shadow of Sunrise, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
The Civil War in New Mexico

Many people don't realize there were Civil War battles in New Mexico. Students will learn why the Confederates invaded the territory, who the key figures were, and some interesting facts about why the battles are significant.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with Where Duty Calls, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
An all day lecture format is also available for older audiences.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with Where Duty Calls, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
An all day lecture format is also available for older audiences.

The Battle of Glorieta Pass is often called the Gettysburg of the West, not because of the size of the battle, but its significance. Both battles were the farthest north the Confederacy got in their respective campaigns, and both would have been disastrous for the Union had the Southern forces succeeded and pushed further. Learn about why this battle is important, what happened during the battle, and about some of the people who were there.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with The Worst Enemy, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available soon.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Social Studies or Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with The Worst Enemy, a work of historical fiction.
Teacher's Guide available soon.
This presentation can be adapted for an adult audience.
Be A Story Sleuth

A 9 session online writer's seminar that will help students understand the elements of fiction and develop and polish their own stories. Students who complete the homework will be included in a class anthology.
Suitable for grades 5-9
Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 9 40 minute sessions
plus homework
fee: $540 online or by arrangement
Suitable for grades 5-9
Language Arts Classes
Presentation: 9 40 minute sessions
plus homework
fee: $540 online or by arrangement
Lesson 1: Creating Story Ideas Lesson 5: Setting
Lesson 2: Characters and Characterization Lesson 6: Dialog
Lesson 3: Conflict Lesson 7: Writer's Workshop: Critiquing Your Peers
Lesson 4: Plot Lesson 8: Switching Hats: From Writer to Editor
Lesson 9: Cleaning Up the Mess: Final Edits
Lesson 2: Characters and Characterization Lesson 6: Dialog
Lesson 3: Conflict Lesson 7: Writer's Workshop: Critiquing Your Peers
Lesson 4: Plot Lesson 8: Switching Hats: From Writer to Editor
Lesson 9: Cleaning Up the Mess: Final Edits
Presentations for
High School and Adult Groups
The Punitive Expedition and New Mexico's Part in WWI

The expedition to capture Pancho Villa after he attacked the town of Columbus, New Mexico prepared the United States for its roll in World War I. Learn about technological innovations and why Black Jack Pershing insisted on putting New Mexico's National Guard into action in France.
Suitable for grades 9-adult
Social Studies Classes or adult groups
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with A Blaze of Poppies, a work of historical fiction.
Suitable for grades 9-adult
Social Studies Classes or adult groups
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with A Blaze of Poppies, a work of historical fiction.
Beowulf: Echoes through Time

The monk who first wrote down this Old English epic added his own moral spin to a pre-Christian story. But might it have been written about an even earlier time? Learn about Beowulf, but also about Neanderthals and early man.
Suitable for grades 9-adult
Language Arts Classes or adult groups
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with The Last Song of the Swan, a dual-timeline work of fiction.
Suitable for grades 9-adult
Language Arts Classes or adult groups
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with The Last Song of the Swan, a dual-timeline work of fiction.

A look at the history of wildfires and forest management in New Mexico. from prehistoric times to the catastrophic fires of 2022.
Suitable for grades 7-adult
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with Summer of the Bombers, a Young Adult novel based loosely on the Cerro Grande fire that ravaged Los Alamos, New Mexico during the summer of 2000.
A look at the history of wildfires and forest management in New Mexico. from prehistoric times to the catastrophic fires of 2022.
Suitable for grades 7-adult
Presentation: 1 hour
fee: $150 per class in person
$80 online
or by arrangement
Ask about discounts for classes who have purchased the book.
Ties in with Summer of the Bombers, a Young Adult novel based loosely on the Cerro Grande fire that ravaged Los Alamos, New Mexico during the summer of 2000.
What others are saying about Mrs. Bohnhoff's Presentations
My students looked forward to the writing seminar every Tuesday! They were captivated by the freedom they had to write their narratives with as much creativity as they wanted while still following the proper writing process. Thank you Ms. Bohnhoff!" --Rachel Brunton, 5th Grade Teacher - SY Jackson Elementary
A storyteller with a rich love of history, Jennifer brings alive the days of long ago. Her tales are richly seasoned with historical detail and real people, engaging us and enlightening our connection with the past. -Carol Clark CNM Instructor and Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church
Jennifer Bohnhoff is a valuable teacher's resource...a hidden gem, a natural storyteller. She made history come alive for my class with short vignettes about New Mexico's part in the Civil War helping the 21st century learner connect to the past in a lively, understandable and engaging format. Merita Wilson - St. Mary's Catholic School, Belen
The students LOVED working with Mrs Bohnhoff each week and made great gains in their writing abilities. Jennifer's weekly lessons involved highly engaging activities during her presentation time as well as home or in-class work as extensions. Working with Jennifer was an extraordinary opportunity that our students and teachers truly enjoyed! -Suzanne Balthaser, Teacher of the Gifted - SY Jackson Elementary
A storyteller with a rich love of history, Jennifer brings alive the days of long ago. Her tales are richly seasoned with historical detail and real people, engaging us and enlightening our connection with the past. -Carol Clark CNM Instructor and Pastor, Faith Lutheran Church
Jennifer Bohnhoff is a valuable teacher's resource...a hidden gem, a natural storyteller. She made history come alive for my class with short vignettes about New Mexico's part in the Civil War helping the 21st century learner connect to the past in a lively, understandable and engaging format. Merita Wilson - St. Mary's Catholic School, Belen
The students LOVED working with Mrs Bohnhoff each week and made great gains in their writing abilities. Jennifer's weekly lessons involved highly engaging activities during her presentation time as well as home or in-class work as extensions. Working with Jennifer was an extraordinary opportunity that our students and teachers truly enjoyed! -Suzanne Balthaser, Teacher of the Gifted - SY Jackson Elementary