Stacy is a third grade teacher and a mom. She started writing books when a class of students told her that there was no way that a real author who wrote real books could possibly revise their work as much as she asked them to revise. She proved them wrong and has been revising her own work ever since.
Stacy: Sam plays baseball because I grew up as a Mets fan and a baseball lover. My favorite movie growing up was Blue Skies Again, a story about a girl who gets on to a minor league team. Softball is a great sport, but it isn’t the same as baseball. The pitching is different, the fielding is different. And just because you are good at one sport it, doesn’t mean that you are good at the other. When I was doing research I played around with the idea that Sam was at a camp and forced to play softball so she convinced a bunch of girls to form their own baseball team. The expert that I spoke to said it would never work because when she was in high school she convinced a number of her softball friends to try out for baseball. She was the only one who made the team.
Me: Is Sam’s character based on a real person, a composite of people, or is she completely fictitious?
Stacy: Sam is a composite of girls I’ve had in my class over the years who have fought their way on the playing field with the boys at recess. She also has some of me in her too. Her snarkiness is definitely me.
Me: Have you got another book in the pipeline?
Stacy: Book 2 will be coming out from Spellbound River this time next year. It’s call The Perfect Trip and it tells the story of the rest of Sam’s summer and new obstacles she will face in her baseball career.