On the day after Japan bombed the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, the Japanese invaded the Philippines. They captured the capital, Manila, in less than a month. American and Filipino defenders retreated onto the Bataan Peninsula, where they held out for three months despite dwindling supplies of food, medicine and ammunition and no support or resupply by naval or air forces. By April 9, starvation and disease had become so crippled the troops that the force of approximately 75,000 surrendered.

I have done the march five times before: twice completing the short course and three times completing the long. I've accompanied friends, family members, Boy Scouts, and members of Team RWB, an organization that uses exercise and social activities to help veterans reintegrate into civilian life. This year the march is on March 20. This time I have trained and am leading ten others, including four 8th graders, their parents, and other staff members from the middle school at which I work. Five of us are doing the full course. Another six (including me) will complete the short course.
I’ll let you know how it goes.