Here, Native Americans felt the pressure as more and more white settlers moved into their lands. They retaliated by raiding the settlements. Finally, General James Carleton decided that the only way to protect white settlers was to restrict the nomadic lifestyle of the Navajos and Mescalero Apaches by relocating them to a reservation.
Led by the famous Indian scout Kit Carson, New Mexico's Volunteer Militia began rounding up the Mescalero Apache and Navajo Indians. Knowing that the Navajo would never surrender unless forced to, Carson followed a scorched earth policy. During the winter of 1863-1864 he burned Navajo crops and orchards, killed their livestock, destroyed their homes, and contaminated their water sources. Once they gave up, the Navajo were forced to walk, some as far as 300 miles, to Bosque Redondo.

One reviewer on Amazon who is from the four corners area wondered how much research O''Dell did. "I have never heard of mesquite growing around here or aspen in Canyon de Chelly or of the pueblo people eating dog meat and...... the owl a GOOD OMEN? I don't think so!!!! Any one from this area that has any knowledge of the Navajo culture knows that OWLS ARE NOT GOOD OMENS!!!"