But there were also boxes of old papers and pictures to be sorted through, and so many told stories that my husband and I hadn't known. We'd known that my father in law had been turned down for service in World War II. We hadn't known that he'd then joined the Minnesota Home Guard, nor what that service entailed. We found receipts for wedding rings and hospital visits, and other little chits and scraps that hinted at the long and interesting life that had come to an end.

The real mystery to me is that this jar wasn't packed into the box with my mother in law's hairnets, brushes and toothpaste; It was tucked into a box of papers and receipts. This led my husband and I to conjecture that perhaps it once held paperclips, or rubber bands, or push pins. I'm sure many of you have a repurposed jar on your desk corralling these kinds of small items. The jar ended up sitting next to our printer, waiting for one of us to need a small jar for some purpose. It sat there for about a year and a half.

In my search, I came across a digitized copy of Everybody's Magazine. It had short stories by Frank Norris and O Henry, poems, articles on childcare, politics, and health issues. And in the back were lots of advertisements.

Further research told me that this was a very popular cream in the 1910s and 1920s. It was touted as "the original Peroxide Cream," and claimed to contain a healing agent

Harvey Washington Wiley, an American chemist known as the father of the FDA, reported that it was nothing more than soap, water, and starch. Eventually the public caught on and the cream stopped being a best seller.
Now, I look at the little white jar on my desk, and I don't think of filling it with paperclips anymore. I am filling it with stories, and letting it fill my stories with an interesting new layer of authenticity.

She is currently working on two: the one discussed above and one set in New Mexico during the Civil War. Her books are available in paperback and ebook versions from Amazon and other online booksellers.
You can read more about her and her books on her website.