I guess the opposite of a fair-weather friend is a bad-weather friend. That would be someone who is willing to weather the storms of life with you, to be by your side when life is painful. I have a few of these, and they are treasures.

The thing about amaryllises, or any other kind of boxed bulb, is they give you something to look forward to. They are hope in a box. But this one had waited too long, and had started to bud while still in the box. It looked pretty hopeless, but it surprised us an bloomed anyway. You can read about it here.
And now it's blooming again! This is the first time I've ever had a forced bulb repeat. The picture at the top of this post was taken this morning.
This is my bad-weather flower. It seemed to know that this was a hard time, and I needed some cheering up. Here's wishing that you have some bad-weather friends and bad-weather flowers to brighten up your darkest days.